What is Mediation?

Mediation is a strategic form of resolving conflict. It is a way for people who are having a dispute to talk about their issues and concerns, and another person (called a mediator) helps the parties reach decisions about the dispute. A mediator cannot decide who is right or wrong or tell you how to resolve your dispute. In mediation, you can try to find solutions that make sense to you and the other person in the dispute to resolve some or all of your concerns. Mediators use strategic communication techniques to help both parties try to reach a mutually acceptable and voluntary agreement. Please note, both parties do not have to agree. In this case, the parties involved would agree to disagree.

Conference room table at Magnolia Mediations

The mediation process varies by circumstance. Sometimes there will be joint discussions where both parties will openly discuss with interjections from a mediator as needed. On other occasions, the parties may decide to meet separately with the mediator to discuss the other party’s perspective and propositions until there is a fair resolution.

Many use mediation services to solve conflicts because they can be less expensive and time-consuming than the court system. Additionally, unlike court cases where the judge has the final say on the matter, mediation allows both parties to control the outcome and craft their terms. Therefore, the parties involved can meditate until they are satisfied with the results.

Our goal is to ensure that everyone feels as if they have reached a fair outcome by the end of their mediation session. If you feel as if your dispute requires professional intervention, talk with us today! We will foster healthy communication between everyone involved.

What are the advantages to mediation?

Mediation provides an opportunity to talk with someone who is impartial.
A mediated agreement allows you and the other person or party to be creative and reach flexible solutions to your dispute.
The issues in your dispute are not decided by someone else (self-determination).
Mediation is not a trial nor an arbitration. The parties are not forced to do anything because it’s a consensual process.
What you say in mediation is confidential (except where disclosure is required or permitted by law).
Mediation can save time, stress, and costs.
The mediator can help you overcome obstacles to communication with the other party in your dispute.
You know what you have agreed to in mediation instead of gambling with what the judge or jury may decide if you go to court.
Written mediation agreements are enforceable.
Mediation is an opportunity to gain a greater understanding about why the dispute arose.
Speak with us today to get started!